Conference Structure
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The Mediterranean City Consortium is a coalition of experts aimed at strengthening government, business, academic and civil society partnerships across the five Mediterranean-climate regions by enhancing participation and stimulating action to effectively manage urban climate change impacts through interventions that build and sustain the social, economic and environmental health of Mediterranean regions.
With significant pre-conference communication planned, Consortium members will arrive prepared to participate within one of the six topical workgroups. Workgroup members are to specialize in the workgroup topic and represent a variety of Mediterranean-climate regions. Led by expert co-chairs, Monday workgroups will focus on discussing management strategies that are being implemented and research that is being conducted across urban centers in these regions. Workgroup members will also be able to discuss what research gaps and management challenges remain. By Tuesday morning, the workgroups will move on to share ideas for integrated climate change adaptation strategies. They will discuss potential collaboration methods across regions and necessary future steps in their workgroup topic. Workgroup session presentations can be organized around sub-issues to facilitate more directed conversation.
On Tuesday afternoon, workgroup co-chairs will reshuffle to form thematic groups to address these topics within either a social, economic, or ecological focus. Thematic workgroups will represent a blend of experts from each topic. Thematic groups will again address relevant research, gaps and challenges within the broader sustainability themes with an eye to potential integrated solutions. They will collaborate within their thematic groups to prepare presentations of their findings to be given on Wednesday during the public portion of the conference.
With significant pre-conference communication planned, Consortium members will arrive prepared to participate within one of the six topical workgroups. Workgroup members are to specialize in the workgroup topic and represent a variety of Mediterranean-climate regions. Led by expert co-chairs, Monday workgroups will focus on discussing management strategies that are being implemented and research that is being conducted across urban centers in these regions. Workgroup members will also be able to discuss what research gaps and management challenges remain. By Tuesday morning, the workgroups will move on to share ideas for integrated climate change adaptation strategies. They will discuss potential collaboration methods across regions and necessary future steps in their workgroup topic. Workgroup session presentations can be organized around sub-issues to facilitate more directed conversation.
On Tuesday afternoon, workgroup co-chairs will reshuffle to form thematic groups to address these topics within either a social, economic, or ecological focus. Thematic workgroups will represent a blend of experts from each topic. Thematic groups will again address relevant research, gaps and challenges within the broader sustainability themes with an eye to potential integrated solutions. They will collaborate within their thematic groups to prepare presentations of their findings to be given on Wednesday during the public portion of the conference.